Thursday, January 30, 2020

Primary color Essay Example for Free

Primary color Essay Light reveals a world of colors by painting everything it touches. Our plain and soulless furniture gains meaning. Our brown bookshelf, gray study table, green mug carpets, rugs, curtains the yellow wheat fields in the harvest picture, the blue china vase, our favorite brown sweater the striking green of a tree surrounded by concrete buildings, the blue sky, and the carousel of life that becomes worth living by being embellished with colors. Lets travel through the wonderful world of colors. Each color conceals a story. Some virtuous and sensitive eyes see the truth through them, while others see rage, anger, and all the evils dictated by the alter ego. Colors carry such feelings as anger and hope, and symbolize such concepts as sinfulness and innocence. They are abused or sacrificed, and widely preferred or despised. Literally, color is a phenomenon of light or visual perception that enables people to differentiate otherwise identical objects. Being one of matters distinguishing characteristics, in a sense its meanings are the meanings of life. As truth is interwoven with life, truth might be viewed through colors. Their Influence on People The most important aspect of color in daily life is probably the aesthetic and psychological responses that they evoke†our psychological perception†and the resulting influences on art, fashion, commerce, and even physical and emotional sensations. For example, reds, oranges, yellows, and browns are warm, whereas blues, greens, and grays are cold. Reds, oranges, and yellows are said to induce excitement, cheerfulness, stimulation, and aggression; blues and greens to induce security, calm, and peace; and browns, grays, and blacks to bring sadness, depression, and melancholy. However, we can only generalize about such subjective perceptions. Age, mood, mental health, and other factors affect color perception. People sharing distinct personal traits often share color perceptions and preferences. For example, schizophrenics are said to have abnormal color perception, and very young children learning to distinguish colors usually prefer red or orange. Many psychologists believe that analyzing ones use of and response to color reveals relevant physiological and psychological information. Some even suggest that specific colors have a therapeutic effect on physical and mental disabilities. In China, India, and Japan, colors are used in alternative medicine. Orange is considered good for depression, yellow for diabetes, green for ulcers and spiritual fatigue, and blue-violet for epilepsy. What is important here is the bodys receptor of color, such as eyes or skin. Each colors wavelength carries and transmits energy to the bodily part having that color. This energy removes physical and emotional disorders, and colorful rays directly influence the neural system. Thus, different illnesses are treated with different rays of colors having different tones and impacts. Although these medical benefits are still in question, color does cause definite physical and emotional reactions. Rooms and objects that are white or have light shades of cool colors may seem larger than those with intense dark or warm colors. As designers and decorators know, black or very dark colors have a slimming or shrinking effect. A cool room decorated in pale blue requires a higher thermostat setting than a warm room painted pale orange to achieve the same sensation of warmth. People viewing unusual colors produced by special illumination may experience headaches and nervous disorders. Tasty wholesome food served under such conditions appears repulsive and may induce illness. Other colors induce pleasure. When an affectively positive or pleasurably perceived color is viewed after a less pleasant color, it produces more pleasure than when viewed by itself. This effect is known as affective contrast enhancement. What Colors Have Experienced Colors are not universal. Some languages do not have separate words for green and blue or yellow and orange, whereas Eskimos use 17 different words for white to describe different snow conditions. Comparing color terminology reveals certain consistent patterns. All languages have designations for black and white. If a third hue is distinguished, it is red; next comes yellow or green, and then other colors. Consider soccer fanatics who so love their teams colors that they tear and burn the other teams flag. They dye their hair and faces yellow-red, blue-white, or red-white to match their teams colors, but cannot stand the opponents colors. They taunt the opposing team with clothes in their own teams colors, even to the extent of injury or death. Most important, they gain identity, send a message, and enjoy the confidence that comes with belonging to a peer group. Colors are gifts, not a cause of separatism. As sociologist Orhan Kologlu points out, people of different religions and nations chose different colors. In the Balkans, blue and white are considered to be Greeces colors (its flag is blue and white). During conflicts, people do not use the colors of other nations flags. But this is emotional and irrational, for no nation owns a color. During a time of Turkishâ€Å"Greek tension, red-white clothes were despised in Greece, and blue-white clothes in Turkey. Bulent Ecevit (current prime minister of Turkey) broke a taboo with his poem Blue Magic, which contains the lines: Like a blue magic, lies a warm sea between us / We are two nations, as beautiful as the other, at its shores. He also chose blue and white as his political partys colors. Ironically, this party whose emblem is in Greek (! ) colors now is now in power Turkey. A nations color choices change over time. Ancient Turks considered blue as sacred, for it was the color of the sky. Some Turkic nations still use it as their national color. In medieval Europe, blue stood for nobility and aristocracy, and the latter were believed to have blue blood. But in America, blue is associated with low spirits, melancholy, and depression (a blue funk). For women it means learned and intellectual, while in morality it means puritanical. It also means profane or indecent (blue movies), off-color or risquA © (blue jokes), and a kind of music (the Blues) dominated by sad and melancholic themes. Red and black are most commonly associated with sociopolitical conflict. For years red symbolized violence, pillage, murder, oppression, anti-democracy, and terrorism. In emotional terms, it means a face flushed with anger or embarrassment (red in the face), or bloody (red eyes). In politics, it means inciting or endorsing radical sociopolitical change, especially by force, as in red uprising or anything associated with communism (the former USSRs Red Square). There are even two Red armies: the Soviet army established after the 1917 Revolution, and the Japanese Red Army formed in 1969. The first was renowned for its strict penal codes and discipline, such as punishing battalions by sending them on suicide missions. New regulations in 1960 considerably lightened the Soviet Armys redness. The second army, a small-structured Japanese terrorist organization, remained active until 1990. Italys Red Brigades, an extreme left-wing terrorist organization, chose red and violence as it sought to prepare 1970s Italy for a Marxist uprising. Chinese revolutionaries seeking to end Chinas traditional culture chose red and violence, as did Cambodias radical Khmer Rouge (Red Khmers). This latter group massacred an entire generation, an estimated 1.5 million people out of an estimated population of 5. 7 million, during their 3. 5-year reign. It is used for heavy or serious (black intrigue); dirty and soiled (black hands); thoroughly sinister, evil, or wicked (black deed); negative (a black mark in ones record); the supernatural or Satan (black magic); very sad, gloomy, or calamitous (black despair); a disaster (black Saturday); hostility, angry discontent, sullenness (black resentment); grim, distorted, grotesque satire (black humor); or covert intelligence operations (black government missions). Although we associate black with negative meanings, we cannot deny that it also symbolizes seriousness, respectability, and nobility. There are occasions when white, the symbol of purity and innocence, is inappropriate says social psychiatrist Ibrahim Ballioglu. Colors should be used with the proper tones and combinations. He claims that it is logical to associate white with positive and black with negative concepts. Black and white are like night and day. The dark of night scares people, whereas the light of day relieves them. The colors hidden at night come forward in daytime. People are inclined to like light and bright colors. We apply white light in our depression patients therapy. Ones interest in dark colors gives clues about ones mood. A patients wearing white signals that he or she is getting well. In history, such groups as the Black Hand,1 Black Faces, and Black Shirts favored violence and vandalism. Mussolinis fascist Black Shirts group is the most interesting. After his overthrow 1943 and the Black Shirts dismissal, people avoided wearing black shirts. White means free of color; light or pallid (white hair, lips white with fear); without spot, blemish, or moral impurity; innocent or chaste (white wedding); harmless (white lie, white magic); and favorable or fortunate (white days of life). It also means politically conservative or reactionary people who undertake counter-revolutionary measures (white terror). In music, it is associated with a musical tone quality characterized by a controlled pure sound and a lack of warmth, color, and resonance. Green means mild and clement (green winter); pleasantly alluring; youthful and vigorous; not ripened or matured (green apples, tender green grasses); fresh and new; marked by a pale, sickly, or nauseated appearance; envious (green with envy); somehow deficient or unsophisticated; and an environmentalist political movement (Green Peace) or individual working to preserve environmental quality. Yellow is associated with sensationalized scandal items or distorted ordinary news (yellow journalism), and cowardice (a yellow streak up ones back). Pink signifies moderately radical and usually socialistic political or economic views, as well as emotional excitement (tickled pink). Do Nations or Religions Have Their Own Color? Color harmony, preferences, symbolism, and other psychological aspects are culturally conditioned and vary with time and place. For instance, American and Japanese concepts of warm and cold colors are essentially the same. However, Japanese consider blues and greens good and the red-purple range bad, while Americans consider the red-yellow-green range good and oranges and red-purples bad. In the West, black signifies mourning; other cultures use white, purple, or gold.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Who Is Responsible For Duncans Death? Essay -- essays research papers

We certainly know that the direct responsible for Duncan’s death is Macbeth. However this does not necessarily mean he is to blame, for his violent death is obviously the consequence of certain influences that forced Macbeth to perform his fatal deed. Furthermore, to unearth the truth about who is really the guilty for Duncan’s murder we must explore the influences the different characters have on Macbeth’s impulses and the overall scenario of the slaying. Firstly, we shall consider Lady Macbeth and Macbeth as they are the two who planned and performed the murder. Although after the witches told Macbeth that he was to be king and he was burning in desire to be so he, on first instance, decided that if fate had determined that he was to be the sovereign of Scotland he shouldn’t try to be reach the throne by his own actions, that it would come eventually: â€Å"If Chance will have me king, why, Chance / may crown me, / Without my stir†. However, it was Lady Macbeth who convinced him to slay the king so that he could usurp the throne: â€Å"Hie thee hither, / That I may pour my spirits in thine ear†. So we can say that Lady Macbeth has more responsibility on Duncan’s murder than Macbeth himself as she used her position as a wife and a woman to induce his husband to the sin. She knew the â€Å"adoration† Macbeth had for her (â€Å"My dearest love† referring to Lady Macbeth) and used her status of w oman to judge Macbeth a coward if he didn’t kill Duncan. Even though Macbeth holds some blame for not...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Laws and Legislation Essay

Main principles: The Act sets out the general guidelines that employers have towards employees, and employees have to themselves and to each other . These guidelines are set in the Act by the principle of so far as is reasonably practicable. In other words, an employer does not have to take measures to avoid or reduce the risk if they are technically impossible or if the time, trouble or cost of the measures would be grossly disproportionate to the risk. This also includes and mandatory training that must be completed before commencing in the work place i.e Moving and handling. Influence in my own job role: In my job role I refer to this act daily as I continually risk assess any type of situation and ensure I adhere to this act at all times by ensuring that I do not put myself or others at any risk. With new staff members, I ensure that they are allocated a place on the next Moving and Handling course and ensure that they are not working with any tenant that may include using hoists etc. Control of substances hazardous to health regulation 2002 COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that may be hazardous to health. This can be prevented by finding out what the health hazards are by contacting the company of any cleaning product etc and gaining a data sheet for this. deciding how to prevent harm to health by completing a risk assessment for each cleaning product as per the Data Sheet. providing control measures to reduce harm to health. After completing the risk assessment, decide whether to used the product. making sure they are used by including ways to prevent i.e skin contact with a hazardous substance and ways this can be resolved if this does happen. Ensuring that all risk assessments are reviewed regularly. Influence in my own job role: Again I use this in my every day working life as I ensure that all cleaning products have data sheets and no product that has not been risk assessed is used. I also ensure that no bleach products are used in the tenants own homes. I also ensure that the risk assessments are reviewed every 6 months. RIDDOR regulations 1995 Main Principles: This regulation requires employers to report job related injuries that result in 3 or more days off work. Also the employer must report and outbreak of illness or disease in the workplace. This is in accordance with the Health and Safety at work Act 1974. This helps the Health and Safety Executive to investigate and find out ways of preventing workplace injuries. Influence in my job role: I use knowledge of this regulation all the time in my day to day job. As a senior support worker I ensure that any injury sustained in correctly written up and reported to the correct people. Personal Protective Equipment at work regulation 1992 The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 cover equipment intended to be used by a person at work that requires protection against health and safety risks. This includes protective clothing (e.g. overalls, weatherproof clothing, gloves, safety footwear) as well as equipment such as protective eyewear and safety harnesses. Influence in my job role. I use PPE every day in my job as I am required to carry out personal care on service users. This is to protect myself from any health and safety risks e.g slipping on floors, cutting myself, cross contamination. I also ensure that all support worker use PPE where applicable. The Data Protection act 1998 The purpose of the Act is to protect the rights and privacy of individuals, and to ensure that data about them are not gathered without their knowledge and are gained with their consent wherever possible. The Act covers personal data relating to living people. There are 8 main principles to this act which are: 1. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully 2. Personal data shall be obtained only for a specified and lawful purpose or purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or purposes 3. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. 4. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. 5. Personal data processed for any purpose shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose 6. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Data Protection Act 7. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken to prevent the unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and the accidental loss, destruction of or damage to personal data. 8. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. ( Taken from Influence in my own job role. I use this in my day to day job as I ensure that myself and all staff uphold confidentiality at all times. I ensure that records beloning to the service user are kept in their own homes and only them and any significant others have access to them. I also ensure that all staff including myself record any data regarding the tenant clearly and factually, and again this is kept in the tenants own home. SSSC Codes of practice. The Code of Practice for Social Service Workers describe the standards of professional conduct and practice required of social service workers as they go about their daily work. They describe that responsibilities if the employer towards the employee and the responsibilities of the employee themselves. Influence in my own job role I continually revise these codes of practice and adhere to them in my day to day life. I ensure that all support workers that I supervise have a good knowledge of these and also encourage them to continually revise them to gain a knowledge of these. My employer ensures that I have all the mandatory training that I need to enable me to carry out my job to the best of my ability and with the knowledge and skills to perform in an acceptable way. National care Standards. These are standards set by the government to ensure that all individuals in care are able to lead a fulfilling life. The 6 standards are: Choice Dignity Privacy Equality and Diversity Realising Potential Influence in my own job role I use these standards to influence the way I support my tenants. As I work in a supported living service, it is very easy to become insitutionalised by ‘doing everything’ for the tenant. By following the 6 main principles I ensure that the tenant can so as much as they can themselves. I support them to set goals for themselves and support them in their day to day life. The Disability Discrimination act 1995 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 aims to end the discrimination that faces many people with disabilities. It now gives people with disabilities rights in the areas of: employment   education   access to goods, facilities and services, including larger private clubs and transport services buying or renting land or property, including making it easier for people with disabilities to rent property and for tenants to make disability-related adaptations functions of public bodies, for example issuing of licences The legislation requires public bodies to promote equality of opportunity for people with disabilities. It also allows the government to set minimum standards so that people with disabilities can use public transport easily (taken from Influences in my own Job role: I continually adhere to this act in day to day life. I support tenants to gain employment and explain their own rights to them so that if they encounter any problems e,g gaining access to somewhere, then I will help them to take the steps required to change something and to be able to have easy access anywhere. The Mental Health act 2003 This act covers individuals with mental health problems who may need to be admitted to hospital due to health problems that may not be deemed as important to that individual due to their mental health problems. This can be done against their will if it in the individuals best interests. Influence in my own job role. As I work with a couple of individuals with mental health problems I have knowledge of this act and if that individual is suffering in any way, shape or form, I will ensure that I contact the relevant individuals to ensure the safety of the tenant is in my best interests. Adults with incapacity act 2000 This guide outlines who the Act can help and the arrangements that can be put in place to give others authority to act or make decisions for someone who lacks capacity to do so for him/herself. It explains what is meant by ‘incapacity’ and sets out the principles to be followed by everyone who is authorised to act on behalf of someone with incapacity. Influence in my job role I do not directly use this in my job role but I am aware of this as there are a couple of individuals who are deemed to not have capacity and they have family members who are welfare guardian and also financial appointees. I am aware the person appointed as welfare guardian can make decision about that individuals life, health etc over and above that individual as long as it is in the individuals best interests. Public services reform act 2010 This act ensures that all governed care companies are inspected by the SCSWIS to ensure that all rights of individuals in our care are upheld. Influence in my job role This influences me in my job role on a daily basis as, as a company we strive to better ourselves continually and work on improving our service that we deliver in adherence to the most recent inspection by SCSWIS. When there is an inspection I have involvement with this by either filling in staff questionnaires, supporting tenants to fill in service user questionnaires and also, if on shift, talking with the inspector.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Interviewing Assignment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2507 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction There are different types of addictions in the world that include drug, sexual, eating, and television addictions. Over 40% of the American population is affected by one or more addictions (Ross, 2010). Addictions are habits that one acquires, and after practicing the habits for sometimes, it becomes impossible to function without practicing the given habit. Drug addiction is a condition that emanates from taking drugs such as alcohol and cocaine for fun. Soon the body becomes dependent on drugs, and one cannot function without the drugs. There is a constant debate on whether drug addiction is a disease or a habit. If classified as a choice, it encourages addicts to take the initiative and say no to drugs. They acquire the necessary will power to stop the addiction. If addiction is termed as a disease, addicts stop feeling ashamed of their condition and seek treatment. Addiction can therefor fall under the disease or choice category depending on how one approaches the issue. It is a choice because one requires the mind to decide, while it is a disease because one needs medication to heal. This paper is therefore focused on discussing whether addiction is a choice or a disease depending on how one gets addicted and how they get out of addiction. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Interviewing Assignment" essay for you Create order Background People get addicted to drugs for different reasons. When one is born, they are born with a free will and are also free from any preference. A child does not know what is bad or good, but they learn as they grow up. Consequently, a child or an adult is exposed to drugs as they grow up. For instance, a child can know about drugs through parents who use them. A child can also learn about drugs on the television or through friends. As the child learns about drugs, they either get attracted or repel the drugs. Those who become drug addicts choose to drink or take hard drugs. Further, if ones parents are addicts, they are also likely to become addicts themselves. Therefore, addiction can be termed as either a choice that a person makes or a disease that is awakened by a slight use of drugs. Addiction settles in when one takes drugs and is unable to control how they use them (Schaler, 2011). Further, the drugs become their priority and everything else including studies and family are dictated by drug usage. Drug usage starts as a normal routine where in most instance one uses alcohol or cigarettes to relax with friends. As the habit continues, one becomes a regular at a bar and they take more than what they used to take before the addiction took over. Addiction becomes full blown when one is unable to live without the usage of drugs and they make the drugs a priority. The drug addict should go for rehabilitation or therapy to help them stop the habit. Further, one should make up their mind that they will not use drugs anymore for the treatment to work. Unborn children can become exposed to drugs if their parents, especially the mother, takes drugs while pregnant or while breast feeding. The unborn baby can take drugs through the placenta as it is transferred from the mother to them. Similarly, a breastfeeding mother can pass drugs to the child through the breast milk. As the child grows up they can easily become addicts of they involve themselves with drugs because the drugs are already in their systems. However, it is not a guarantee that the child must be an addict because it depends on whether they will start taking the drugs or not. Addiction can therefore be far fetched from the time the child is unborn to when they are toddlers. A mother preparing to get pregnant is also advised against using any drugs so that her system can be free of any drugs when they get the baby. If there are strong drugs in the system, they might affect the unborn baby and if the baby grows up and uses drugs, they can easily become addicts. Choice A choice is a conscious decision that one makes, as they have to select between two or more options (Gruenert, 2010). One makes a choice depending on their preference and goals in life. One might have a preference of going to the bar or choosing friends who use drugs. As a result, they end up becoming addicts as they choose to have addicted friends. Moreover, drug addiction can be termed as a choice because a drug user decides whether to take a drug or not. For instance, if a boy goes to a friend’s party and get free alcohol and heroine being used, he can decide whether to take the alcohol and use the heroine. The decision to take Alcohol or heroine is however dictated by their personal preference, their principles, background, and what they want in might chose to use the drugs because everyone else is doing so, therefore, showing that they are easily influenced by the latest trends. If one choses to abstain from the drugs, it shows that they have strong principles. A ddiction can therefore be termed as a choice as one has the free will to decide whether they want to take a drug or not. While undergoing treatment, drug addiction is termed as a choice. One should decide to stop taking drugs for him or her to stop being addicts (Gruenert, 2010). Over a half of addicts who check in rehabilitation centers relapse. On the contrary, over 10% of or drug addicts who decide to do away with the addiction and do not go for any treatment but are able to stop the addiction successfully. This is a clear indication that drug addiction is a choice that one makes in their mind. One can choose to stop the addiction or to refrain from becoming an addict altogether. Decisions that one makes concerning drugs should be made wisely because addiction is expensive to maintain. If one comes from a family of drug addicts, they are in many cases likely to become addicts. However, this depends on their choice to start drugs or to refrain from them. If one does not use drugs then they will not awaken the addiction. However, if one takes the drugs they are most likely to become addicts because they already have the drugs in their system through their bloodline. Similarly, people who were addicts before can easily relapse if they choose to take drugs again. The choice to take drugs depends on one’s will power to say no to drugs. One can choose to stay away from situations and people who make them use drugs. Further, they can choose to stay clean for the sake of their own dignity and to be able to achieve their goals. Addiction therefore depends on ones ability to choose between refraining from drugs or taking them. Disease A disease is commonly expounded as the malfunction of a specific body part, has signs and symptoms, and does not necessarily emerge from physical injury (Hensher, Rose Greene, 2015). If an arm is aching, it means that the arm could be infected. Addiction fits the definition of a disease because it affects the mind fist. The mind becomes sick not because of any physical injury but because of the thinking that an addict does. Drugs stimulate the brain first and excite the user. As a result, the user takes more drugs to continue exciting their minds. The more drugs one takes, the more they become dependent on drugs. Addiction therefore settles in because of the mind malfunctioning. Drugs change the normal functioning of the brain and as a result, a drug addict is sick in the brain. The condition affects the way one thinks as they only choose to take drugs in a bid to excite their brains. Addiction can be termed as a disease because it can be inherited(Drug Addiction and Families, 2007). For instance, if a father is an addict, a child can easily become an addict if he or she uses drugs at one point in their lives. Addiction is therefore in an addict’s blood and only waits to be awakened by the use of drugs. Thus, addiction can be classified together with other diseases such as hypertension where the user is a patient is more likely to suffer if their parents suffered from the condition. As an inherited disease, addiction affects those people who got access to drugs as fetus or as toddlers. Children whose mothers took drugs while pregnant or while breastfeeding are candidates of the addiction disease. Addiction can therefore be passed on from parents to children just like obesity as it is in the genes. For drug addiction to be termed as a disease, there should be symptoms and signs. For instance, the condition of excessive drug usage can be termed as an addiction if the user is dependent on drugs to function. Sometimes addicts shake or develop other complications such as liver failure due to excessive usage of drugs (Gruenert, 2010). During treatment, drug addiction is treated like a disease because one has to undergo medical treatment. Patients are detoxified in a bid to remove the toxic drugs in their system. Rehabilitation centers are a common place where addicts get the necessary treatment. Besides using medicine, addicts are taught to avoid relapse by changing things that prompt them to use drugs. Therapy is also an important part of drug treatment as a patient is able to talk about their problem to a therapist of a group of other addicts. The therapy sessions are similar to those that depression patients undergo and therefore drug addiction can be termed as a disease just lik e depression. Discussion Drug addiction prompts debate on whether it is a disease or a choice. Choices are made consciously, but a disease settles in unexpectedly. If termed as a decease, it shows that addiction comes in without the addict or those around him or her noticing. Most of the time, people get into addiction due to their change in habits. Those around an addict are more aware that an addict is getting into addiction. While getting into addition, an addict can be a frequent at a bar or a drug den. They become more familiar with the people at the bar or get to know who is a dealer in a given estate. As the addiction becomes more noticeable when the patient starts show in physical signs to other people such as sleeping a lot or shaking while not high on drugs. It is a clear indication that their body is already programed to function with the help of addict is most likely to stop their daily routine to pursue taking drugs. They can stop going to school or work to be able to buy and take drugs. They can stop going to school or work to be able to buy and take drugs. If they run out of money, they easily steal or borrow to get drugs. The brain is no longer excited by the use of drugs as it was initially, but it becomes dependent on the drugs, as it cannot function without drugs. The brain shuts down when an addict is not ion drugs and that is why addicts sleep for long hours. Addiction can, therefore, be termed as a choice because an addict has a choice to take drugs or not. If one comes from an addicted bloodline, they also have a choice to take drugs or not. The moment they start taking drugs they awaken the addiction in them. While treating addiction in rehabilitation centers, an addict is taught how to say no to drugs by restructuring their minds. The addict’s choice to say no to drugs extends to avoiding the people who lure them to addiction. If an addicted is not fully decided to stop the addiction, they will most likely get back to the addiction. Teaching addicts how to say no to drugs shows that addiction is more of a mind system where one can say no. An addict finds reasons and not excuses saying no. for instance, they find the reason of getting back to school rather than an excuse of been seen sober. Saying no or yes makes all the difference because those are choices. Addiction can, therefore, be classified as a choice rather than a disea se. Addiction starts as a habit where one makes frequent visits to a bar. At this point one has a choice to say no to drugs and can avoid taking drugs. Moreover, when one gets very addicted to drugs, they can decide that they do not want to take drugs and seek help. Help is found in family, friends, church, and rehabilitation centers. The addicts who do not take the rehabilitation path become clean by changing their habits and their friends. It is therefore possible to put an end to an addiction if one decides. One’s brain is their strongest asset and therefore one can make a decision to stop drugs. Deciding to stop drugs can sometimes be accompanied by medication if the patient had contracted other conditions such as liver disease. However, firm decision-making cannot be substituted by any kind of treatment. Deciding to stop drugs can sometimes be accompanied by medication if the patient had contracted other conditions such as liver disease. However, firm decision-making cannot b e substituted by any kind of treatment. Rehabilitation canters only act as places to help people make the right decision, but they cannot prevent an individual from going back to drugs. The over 50% addicts who relapse are not fully decided to fight addiction. One has to decide that they will not take drugs no matter how stressed or available the drugs are. Personal choices are what influence addiction and therefore addiction is a choice and not as disease. Conclusion Drug addiction can be termed as a disease or a choice depending on how one looks at it. It is a choice because a person who takes drugs has the willpower to say no to drugs. Further, one takes drug because they want to take them. On the other hand, it is a disease because when an addict gets deep in the addiction, they cannot function without the drugs. They depend on medical treatment to get well. Detoxing is a major way that drug addiction utilizes medication for treatment. Drug addiction can be termed as a choice with the goal of helping addicts say no to drugs. Further, the addicts can be encouraged to seek treatment by telling them that they are sick. An addict can put a stop to their addiction by making the right choices without necessarily going for treatment. For a person to undergo treatment and remain clean, they should make up their mind to stop drugs. Rehabilitation, medication, and therapy are ways of helping an addict get sober faster butare not a means of getting addic ts entirely clean. Addiction can be termed as a choice rather than a disease.